In the field of electronic music, Gregor Tresher is by no means a debutant. For more than eight years the thirty-year old DJ and producer from Frankfurt gathered merits modernizing the algorithms of electronic music. It has been his "Still EP" in 2005 that upgraded him into the Champions League of European Techno producers. After many highlight releases like "Neon", "Full Range Madness", "The Wombat" or "The Now People" on labels like Cocoon, Intacto, Great Stuff, Datapunk or Rebel One, it was his eagerly-awaited debut album "A Thousand Nights" that defined the state of the art in electronic dancemusic 2008, with its titletrack beeing the best selling Techno song on Beatport in 2007. Also, the readers of German magazine Raveline awarded Gregor as "Producer of the year 2007" for the second ... Continue reading here