Saturday, November 11, 2009
October 26, 1964: Sven is born in Obertshausen near Frankfurt. The years before 1982: adventures and impressions dominate the next years.1982: The Dorian Gray club - from regular patron to discjockey. Here, Sven's career begins with Soul oldies and High Energy during the "New Romantics" period. Freaky costumes and selfacknowledged narcissism are Sven's main characteristics in the midst of the new "lifestyle" aesthetics of the Eighties.1983: The "other" club on the scene at this time, the Vogue. Sven plays diverse styles, beginning to move further and further away from the mainstream. Champagne splashing through the air and reckless excesses unusual in the pre-Techno period were an omen for the location's next chapter in history. Continue reading at RA