If there's one thing separating the ordinary producer from the sublime producer, the emphasis placed on sound is surely it. In this context, Christian Hilscher and Nico Plageman, (known collectively as Kollektiv Turmstrasse) undoubtedly fit in to the latter section.

Renowned for their productions on a number of seminal German labels, the duo's sound is hard to define, with their latest LP, Rebellion der Träumer, serving to exaggerate the fact. Despite embarking on a production career in the mid 00's, they've left it up to now to release what is their debut LP. An attentive listen soon proves it's been worth the wait.
Kollective Turmstrasse - Rebellion Der Traumer Album is out now on Connaisseur Recordings. Listen/ Buy at Beatport
I-Voice caught up with Nico for a candid chat regarding the new album, their first visit to Ibiza and the influence of their adopted city, Hamburg. Read interview at www.ibiza-voice.com
Director / Concept: Harun Hazar
DoP: Thomas Bader
Editing: Sabine Panek
Cast: Karoline Rödel
Produced by: Harun Hazar
(c) Zar Pictures / Kollektiv Turmstrasse 2010
Line Producer / Assistant Director: Nikola Stahl
Costume Designer: Severine Janssen
Make-up Artist: Lisa Edelmann
Playback: Jochen Laube
Colorgrading: Ronney Afortu
Postproduction: Dirk Frischmuth, Adrian Cichosz
Still Photography: Benjamin Pichelmann
Focus Puller: Sabrina Fiedler
Clapper: Jerry Suen
Grip: Paolo Sanzani
Director of Lights: Max Breimaier
Best Boy: Markus Woyda
Lights: Arton Veliu, Firat Tabak, Folke Arnecke
Costume Designer Assistant: Kathy Bailey, Karina Märzke
Make-up Assistant: Hannah Hensler
DIT: Jasmin Kreft
Runner: Kim Schiedeck
Thanks to: Christian Burgdorff, Michael Danner,
Otto Becken, Friedrich Seydel, Noah Jurecky,
Sarah Beutling, André Schukat, Fabian Sommer,
Thomas Schöttl, Pia Heinlein, Özgür Sönmez,
Bodo Wesser, Heiko Donsbach, Jörn de Vries,
Panther Rental Hamburg, Studio Hamburg,
Badisches Weinhaus, Segelflugclub Fischbek e.V.,
SAE Institute Hamburg, Hot Dogs, Maple & Woodland,
Lucky Lucy, Mangold, Das Kollektiv
Special thanks to: Optical Art