Saturday, September 04, 2010


The notorious WetYourSelf  Recordings at the internationally renowned club fabric has irrevocably changed Sunday nights in London. As briefcase-clad suits make their way to work near Farringdon on Mondays, they unknowingly walk over a banging club tucked deep underground, chock-full of fashionable club-goers still wildly clinging on to the weekend. With the massively talented DJ / producer trio of Jacob Husley, Cormac and Peter Pixzel at the helm, it’s little wonder that WYS! has become the most loved underground techno and house night in the UK. They are now spreading their gospel with regular parties in Europe and the launch of WYS! Recordings. Everyone involved with WYS! over the past few years are immensely excited about the label, which will be an extension of the club, the artists behind it and their broad range of individual and collective tastes. With a once-a-month release schedule and WYS! family such as Miss Kittin, Alex Under, Chris Liebing, Pig & Dan, David Keno, Paul Brtschitsch, Lopazz, Martinez, Mathias Mesteno, Kanio all releasing or remixing tracks, it's no wonder that the House & Techno world is waiting with baited breath for the next release. All of these acts have contributed to the diverse WYS! club soundscape and now lend their magic to shaping WetYourSelf Recordings.
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